Five Tips from Your Realtor®

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 by
  By Katherine Adams Real estate agents have seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly. They’ve tried to sell houses with everything from fabulous swimming pools and patios to nasty, pet-stained carpets and oh-no-they-didn’t décor. Experienced Realtors know why some houses sit on the market for months and why even some pre-approved buyers

Do You Need a Realtor®?

Wednesday, 28 October 2015 by
By Katherine Adams Shopping trends have definitely moved toward searching online first for the perfect item—whether it’s a new electronic gadget or a new house. For clients entering the real estate market to find a new home in their desired price range and location, build a new home, or sell their current home, the Internet

Four Tips About STUFF

Tuesday, 13 October 2015 by
By Katherine Adams So, you’re in the process of putting your house on the market, and you’ve looked around and thought…. What are we going to do with all this stuff? If you’ve got a good Realtor, you’ll get a personal visit to your home. Your Realtor will suggest the best ways to stage your

Tripp Family Values Service

Saturday, 26 September 2015 by
To David Tripp, family, community service, and his locally-based business are critical parts of his life. And few things are better than opportunities to combine those things. Tripp got one of those opportunities last week, when he sent one of his A Better Tripp Moving & Storage trucks and a driver to Cypress Creek (Cy-Creek)

Supporting Kids in Need

Friday, 04 September 2015 by
  Melissa Simon is the director of development at Boys and Girls Country in Hockley, Texas. Dedicated to changing the lives of children from families in crisis by nurturing them in a Christian environment, the nonprofit organization has been in operation since 1971. “On the day I started work, the first person I met was

Moving Consultations at ABT

Thursday, 23 July 2015 by
The Long and Short of the Moving Consultation Process at A Better Tripp Moving is one of the most stressful things people do in life. In fact, “moving stress” often begins the day the decision to move is made. And what’s the best antidote to a stressful situation? Talking to someone who understands and can

Cycling in Houston

Thursday, 02 July 2015 by
Houston Skyline
Houston is well on its way to becoming a biking town. BikeHouston, a nonprofit bicycle advocacy organization with a mission to make streets safe and accessible for cyclists, is helping to make that happen. The group was involved from the start in the newly opened Downtown Park Connector, Houston’s first protected bike lane linking Discovery

Our favorite tradition

Wednesday, 03 December 2014 by
At A Better Tripp, one of our favorite traditions this time of year is helping Windwood Presbyterian Church support Operation Christmas Child. Earlier this month, three workers from A Better Tripp joined Windwood Presbyterian volunteers as they loaded one of our moving trucks and a trailer with thousands of shoe boxes. Each box was packed

Follow the Food Truck Bliss

Tuesday, 28 October 2014 by
Food trucks offer quality and gourmet fare.
Maybe you saw the independent foodie movie Chef, a comedy about a chef who leaves his upscale restaurant job to fix up a food truck and sell Cubanos, mouth-watering ham, pork, and cheese Cuban sandwiches. The chef follows his bliss and a growing trend. Food trucks are a hit these days, offering quality quick fare,
We’re writing a blog post featuring the best food trucks in Houston–and we need your help!  What’s your favorite food truck in Houston for a quick and tasty bite?  Let us know in the comments.