We have attended their Gala for the last three years and their stories of families taking care of abused, neglected and abandoned children through foster care and adoption is heartwarming. These families are offering life-changing and life-saving care for these children. Most families are ready to adopt one yet find out they have siblings and adopt as many as 3 or 4 children. The adopted families want to keep the siblings together. They had to cancel the Gala this year because of Harvey and we did not want Homes of Hope to be forgotten. Homes of Hope is grateful for all the donations and support they receive.
Homes with Hope is a private, nonprofit Child Place Agency for children in foster care. They place children in homes of Christ centered families in relationships with local churches. Their website states there are over 9,000 abused and neglected children in the Houston area and 5,670 are in foster care. They provide foster care, adoption placement, and family support groups. Homes with Hope work with churches. They continue to office out of The Vineyard Church of Houston.
You can volunteer by helping and organizing distributed donated goods and volunteering at their Christmas and Easter Party. You can also volunteer in the office through database input or office organization. Volunteering at a Fundraising event by helping with auction items, sponsor recruitment or event volunteer. Monetary donations always help support the organization with continuing support for helping the children. Homes with Hope is transforming children’s lives through love and Christ centered families.