You will want to go through your clothes and discard what you have not worn in a year. It’s time to donate clothing you have not worn in a year or longer, no longer fits or is outdated. The rule is you usually only wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. Empty your whole closet out. You need to determine your hanging requirements and storage needs to mazimze your closet. Hanging Clothes can be packed in wardrobe boxes with the hangers. Shoe boxes or clear bins are great for your shoes.
Seasonal winter items can be packed in bins or vacuum seal bags. Duster bags are great for handbags, belts, shoes, and lingerie. Hat boxes are a nice way to store hats, belst and scarves too. Jewelry can be organized in pouches. Sunglass cases can hold your sunglasses. You may also use your suitcase for storing clothes from the chest of drawers. Cosmetics can be moved in your makeup bags. A tip for powder makeup is to use extra cotton balls to keep the powder from breaking. Liquid makeups and shampoos can be packed in plastic bags.
Organizing your closet will make your move and your life so much easier.