Packing Supplies
Packing wine bottles need to be packed properly to ensure you do not lose any of your stock. Pack wine bottles in wine boxes with foam insets, bubble wrap or tissue paper. A divided cell box is best for packing wine. You can purchase a wine cell kit from wine shops. All bottles must be sealed and wrapped. You want to pad empty space and secure and label all the boxes. Do not stack the boxes on top of each other. Wine shipping containers are the best to pack wine. The Wine containers have Styrofoam base to hold the bottles and a Styrofoam lid to protect the tops.
Types of Wine Packing
Red and white wine should be packed on their side. This will keep corks wet preventing oxidation or spoilage. Sparkling Wine and Champagne should be packed upright. You want to wait for seven days before opening your wine in order not to lose the flavor. When you arrive in your new home immediately open your boxes and place them in your wine cellar or win racks.